Facebook no longer displays red warning icons next to fake news stories shared on the platform, as it says the approach has not worked as hoped.脸书仍然在其平台上共享的欺诈新闻故事旁边表明红色警告标识,称之为此举未获得预期效果。In December 2016, the site started showing a disputed warning next to articles that third-party fact checking websites said were fake news.2016年12月,脸书开始在被第三方事实检验网站检验为假新闻的文章旁边表明一个“有争议的”警告符号。Now it modifies the way it alerts users to fake news It will display related articles next to disputed news stories.现在,该公司调整了提醒用户假新闻的方式,将在有争议的新闻故事旁边展出“涉及文章”。Academic research on correcting misinformation has shown that putting a strong image, like a red flag, next to an article may actually entrench deeply held beliefs - the opposite effect to what we intended, Facebooks Tessa Lyons wrote in a blog post.脸书公司的泰莎·莱恩斯在一篇博文中写到:“纠正错误信息的学术研究指出,在一篇文章旁边敲上一个像红旗这样的显著图标,实质上反而不会加剧我们的印象--这与我们想超过的预期效果忽略。
”Facebook said it had tested the new approach and found that although the approach did not reduce the number of times disputed articles were clicked on, it did lead to them being shared fewer times.脸书方面回应,他们早已测试了该新方法,并找到虽然这个方法没增加争议文章的点击量,但共享次数却有所增加。Using language that is unbiased and non-judgmental helps us to build products that speak to people with diverse perspectives, Facebooks designers said.脸书的设计团队回应:“用于不偏不倚、不具判断力的语言,有助我们研发与所持有所不同观点用户交流的产品。