公司动态 行业新闻
浏览量:261     所属栏目:【新闻中心 】    时间:2025-01-04
本文摘要:Jack Lew, US Treasury secretary, called on Beijing to suspend new cyber security rules that US information technology companies fear could lock them out of a financial services market worth almost half a trillion dollars.美国财政部长杰克卢(Jack Lew)拒绝北京方面停止新的网络安全规则,美国信息技术企业担忧,这些规则有可能把它们推开在一个价值近5000亿美元的金融服务市场门外。

Jack Lew, US Treasury secretary, called on Beijing to suspend new cyber security rules that US information technology companies fear could lock them out of a financial services market worth almost half a trillion dollars.美国财政部长杰克卢(Jack Lew)拒绝北京方面停止新的网络安全规则,美国信息技术企业担忧,这些规则有可能把它们推开在一个价值近5000亿美元的金融服务市场门外。Over recent months, China’s banking regulator and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) have begun to implement new regulations that would force commercial banks to buy IT equipment deemed “secure and controllable” by Beijing.近几个月来,中国银行业监管机构和工业和信息化部(MIIT)开始实行新的规定,这些规定将被迫商业银行出售被中国官方视作“安全性高效率”的IT设备。A separate draft counter-terrorism law would also force telecom and internet companies to provide authorities access to sensitive information such as source codes.此外,一部草案阶段的缉毒法律也将令电信和互联网公司容许中国有关部门采访脆弱信息,如源代码。

Speaking as he wrapped up a visit to the Chinese capital yesterday, Mr Lew told reporters that Beijing officials had heard Washington’s concerns about the new rules. “It would be a significant barrier to US companies doing business in China if they were to go ahead with the proposals pending,” Mr Lew said. “They want US companies to be here, so they can’t put barriers in the way.卢昨日在完结对中国大城的采访之际公开发表讲话,他告诉他记者,中国官员听见了美方对于新规则的担忧。“如果他们继续执行这些建议书中的规则,那对在华经营的美国企业将是一个根本性障碍,”卢回应。“他们期望美国公司在这里积极开展经营,因此他们无法在路上设置障碍。

“We made clear that suspending them is the right approach,” he added, citing uncertainty about how the regulations would be implemented. “I think the need for a process to resolve this is necessary.”“我们具体回应,停止它们是准确的作法,”他补足说道。他还提及有关新的规定将如何实行的不确定性。

“我指出必须有一个过程来解决问题这件事。”The China Banking Regulatory Commission and MIIT initially told banks to provide information about their compliance plans by March 15 and begin implementing them by April 1.中国银行业监督管理委员会(CBRC)和工信部最初拒绝,商业银行最迟在3月15日获取有关其合规计划的信息,迟于从4月1日起实行新规。

While banks have until 2019 to ensure that 70 per cent of their IT products are compliant, foreign companies and diplomats fear they will soon be applied to other industries, such as telecommunications.虽然各银行只必须保证到2019年其70%的IT设备合规,但外国企业和外交官担忧,这些规定将迅速被应用于到电信等其他行业。The draft antiterrorism law, meanwhile, has yet to be passed by China’s National People’s Congress.与此同时,缉毒法草案还有待中国的全国人大通过。



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