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揭朝鲜民航神秘面纱 全球唯一1星航空|爱游戏app全站登录电子平台(官方)最新下载IOS/安卓版/手机版APP
浏览量:518     所属栏目:【新闻中心 】    时间:2025-01-12
本文摘要:A deserted airport customs lounge, luggage weighed by hand on an old fashioned scale and a cockpit with no digital assistance, are just some of the sites a photographer from Singapore has captured on camera after flying with the world’s only one-star airline。

A deserted airport customs lounge, luggage weighed by hand on an old fashioned scale and a cockpit with no digital assistance, are just some of the sites a photographer from Singapore has captured on camera after flying with the world’s only one-star airline。冷清的候机厅,行李除去在老式称之为上手工已完成,没数字辅助设备的座舱,正是一位新加坡摄影师在搭乘世界唯一的一星航空公司航班飞行中时拍到的照片。Aram Pan gained unprecedented access to the Soviet-era planes still used in North Korea by the nation’s civil carrier, Air Koryo, plus cargo transporters and helicopters, after joining a tour for aviation enthusiasts inside the communist enclave。

在参与完了社会主义领地内的航空爱好者参观泛舟后,亚兰·潘取得了前所未有的采访权限,以求参观朝鲜民航——高丽航空现役的苏联时代飞机,以及货机和直升机。From the photos, the airline, which was founded in 1950 as a joint North Korean-Soviet partnership to connect the capital Pyongyang with Moscow, appears to be stuck in a time warp。

照片上,朝鲜与苏联在1950年牵头正式成立、借以相连大城平壤和莫斯科的航空公司好像陷在了时间陷阱中。Photographer Aram Pan was greeted by smiling Air Koryo flight attendants dressed in smart navy blue outfits before he boarded an Ilyushin Il-18 plane, a large turboprop airliner. The Soviet aircraft was first flown in 1957.攀上大型涡轮螺旋桨飞机伊尔18前,身穿海军蓝穿著的高丽航空空乘微笑青睐摄影师亚兰·潘。这架苏联飞机1957年试飞。



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